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Mermaid 2/9/24

Regular price $267.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $267.00 USD
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LS Flat.png
*Cut right at the edge, no outline needed
Shaker Bits (3 across, 3 down on a rectangular housing)
1-inch pair of earrings w loop on 1/8 (do not mirror) with housing
2-inch on 1/4 with housing
3-inch on 1/4 with housing

LS Shaker
*Cut right at the edge, no outline needed
(files: LS Top Layer.png + LS Bottom Layer.png)
2.5-inch shaker with housing
4-inch shaker with housing

Puppy (no housing)
Shaker Bits (1 set)
1-inch w loop on 1/8
1-inch on 1/4
1.5-inch on 1/4

2-inch on 1/4 with housing

Asstd Animals (8 designs)
*file name SVG.svg
Shaker Bits (1 of each design on a rectangular housing)
1-inch w loop on 1/8 with housing

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